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Henceforth, ‘SHEC Vocational Learning’, ‘SHEC Learning’, ‘SHEC’ and any reference to it, represents the brand trading name of SHEC Global Limited (‘SHEC’ Trademark applied for).


These general terms and conditions, provide the foundation statement terms and conditions regarding the general SHEC business and this website, they do not specifically pertain to the varying and specific terms and conditions relating to individual products and services we offer, some of which are bespoke.

Please ensure you obtain and read copies of your individual product or service terms and conditions, in conjunction with their general terms and conditions before any purchase, after which you will have deemed to have read, understood, and accept those conditions.

Product and service specific terms and conditions are available directly from SHEC, via email at services@shec.co.uk


1. Definitions

1.1. In the Terms & Conditions the following terms shall have the following meaning: –

SHEC – means SHEC Global Limited, or any of its subsidiaries (owned partially or in entirety) in existence at the time.

Products or Services – means any course, qualification, training, consulting or advice, recommendation, or referral for which SHEC receives a fee (directly or in directly), where SHEC is responsible for its delivery or outcome.

Accredited Qualification Provider – means SHEC Global Limited or SHEC Vocational Learning Limited.

Solutions Interest Form – means any digital data capture method used to provide contact data and information relevant to an individual or business, that requires and authorises SHEC to contact them with regards any of it services or products.

Eligibility Form – means any digital data capture method submitted by You to SHEC, when you express an interest in, or wish to be considered for enrolment, on a Qualification or Assessment with SHEC.

Enrolment Fee – means the fee payable by You when You or your company apply to become a candidate on a SHEC qualification or Assessment.

Qualification Guide(s) – means the guides issued by an “Awarding Body” from time to time in respect of a relevant qualification or assessment provided by SHEC.

Malpractice Policy – means SHEC latest policy relating to malpractice, which may from time to time be amended.

Assignments and/or Assessments – means the methods used to evaluate your knowledge and/or skills in relation to you being eligible to be awarded a particular qualification.

Official Policies – means the policies of SHEC and/or any relevant Awarding Bodies as amended, updated or added to from time to time.

Registration Fee – means the element of an enrolment fee apportioned to your official registration with an awarding body specific to the Qualification/Assessment you enrolled upon with SHEC.

Awarding Body – means ProQual Awarding Body, or any other organisation providing SHEC with accreditation to deliver or award qualifications.

You or your, refers to you, or the company you legally represent, as the purchaser, and/or candidate or prospective candidate, relating to SHEC products and/or services.

We or Us refers to SHEC Global Limited

2. Scope and Limitation of Terms and Conditions

2.1. These Conditions govern Your relationship with Us and only us.  Where services or products involve Awarding Bodies or any other supplier or sub-contractor engaged by SHEC, they are not responsible for the provision of any delivery of service provided under contract with SHEC.

3. Payment of Fees

3.1. SHEC fees are subject to UK VAT, at the point where such activities relating to its’ products or services are delivered or undertaken.

3.2. Where applicable or unless explicitly stated otherwise, SHEC enrolment fees include registration and single examination sitting fees.

3.3. You may also be liable for further additional fees (including but not limited to a fee for reviewing marks, re-registration fees, renewal fees and additional administration fees) which may not be set out in your contract with SHEC where events or requests require additional support or servicing beyond the original fees.

3.4 Any additional transaction charges applied by Your bank or money transfer provider must be covered by You. If this fee is deducted from the amount paid to us, we will invoice You for this amount which then needs to be paid in full.

3.5. Credit Card and International Debit Card payment/s may incur a handling charge; subject to the terms and conditions set out by the card provider.

3.6. Payment Plans may be offered by SHEC under the following guidance:

3.6.1. We may refuse an application for a Payment Plan without reason;

3.6.2. Failure to meet payment plan terms is a considered a breach of contract, and may be subject to penalties, sanction, suspension, or withdrawal of service, with no right to refund of payments made.

3.6.3. The balance of Your account must be cleared in full, prior to You being awarded or receiving your qualification, certification, or final deliver of our services.

3.6.4. Payment Plans can only be paid via our online payment service in place at the rime. We reserve the right to change payments service providers, and you agree to undertake such action necessary to facilitate such change. However, no additional charges will be imposed upon you for such changes.

3.6.5. Services will not commence, or products made accessible, until agreed initial (or full) payment have been verified and received into SHEC Bank account.

3.6.6. Where You have undertaken and completed a NVQ qualification using a payment plan, all fees must be paid in full before SHEC will release Your certificate to You.

3.6.7. Your certificate remains the property of SHEC until the balance of your account is paid in full.

3.6.8 Cancellation of any payment arrangements or payment plan such as Direct Debit does not terminate the agreement, or your responsibilities and liabilities under it.

3.7. Where a customer cancels a short training course, a cancellation fee will be required as detailed in the Agreement based on the following rates: less than 7 days’ notice of first course day = 100% of fee.

3.8. Where a customer wishes to cancel an NVQ purchase: more than 14 days’ notice of payment date = 100% of fee. If cancellation of NVQ is within 14 days, a refund will be granted minus our standard admin fee. Telephone cancellations can be accepted but then must be confirmed in writing or by email.

4. Enrolment, Transfer and Cancellation

4.1. By enrolling for a qualification or assessment programme with SHEC (whether You apply directly or whether a third party applies on Your behalf) You accept and commit to the efficient and timely completion of the programme, and in line with the specific requirements of the programme you are enrolled upon.

4.2. Your enrolment will only be effective if and when We send You our official enrolment receipt and we have received in full the Enrolment Fee and (if applicable) any other fee specified by it.

4.3. Enrolment is for the purposes of formally identifying You, as eligible to undertake the programme with Us and to participate in Awarding Body Assessments, and confirming previous units attained by You which may count towards Awarding Body Qualification’s.

4.4 You must provide a copy of Your photographic ID to Us prior to final acceptance of your enrolment. If this has not been received within the 7 days, we reserve the right to temporarily suspend account access until suitable ID has been received.

4.5. When enrolling for a qualification You are agreeing to abide by the regulations for that qualification, as set out by the Awarding Bodies to that qualification.

4.6. Qualification’s, in part or whole, cannot be transferred to another party.

4.7. You have fourteen days from the date of purchase to cancel Your enrolment and request a full refund, less any registration or administration costs incurred. Please refer to the specific programme terms and conditions for current non-refundable cost schedule. Requests for refunds must be made in writing to: accounts@shec.co.uk or SHEC Global Limited, Ty Antur, Navigation Park, Abercynon, CF45 4SN.

4.8 Refunds, while considered on merit, are subject to deductions based upon costs incurred, time elapsed since registration, and level of completion of the programme. Please refer to the specific terms and conditions you agreed to for the programme you are enrolled upon, before requesting any refund.

5. Eligibility for study

5.1. All SHEC Qualifications and Assessments are delivered and must be examined in English (unless specified in the advertised course description).

5.2. Should English not be Your first language, it is Your responsibility to ensure that Your proficiency in both written and oral English is of a sufficient standard to enable You to meet the demands of both Your qualifications, studies and the examination(s).

5.3. We reserve the right to refuse examination registration for students should You not meet our criteria.

5.4 It is Your responsibility to ensure that any course, programme, assessment, or qualification selected by You is suitable for Your requirements. Please ensure have read and understood the course outline and met the necessary prerequisites before engaging our Services. If in any doubt, please speak to a member of the Client Relationship Team before proceeding.

6. Liability for SHEC Global Limited 

6.1. SHEC excludes liability for:

6.2. Any damage or loss to property unless directly and immediately caused by the proven negligence of SHEC or its employees;

6.2.1 Any loss of profit and or loss of earnings, loss of opportunity or loss of living expenses or any indirect loss suffered by You due to the purchase of SHEC products or services.

6.3. Neither You nor We shall have any liability to each other for any failure or delay in the performance of obligations due to any cause beyond the relevant party’s reasonable control.

6.4. SHEC Global Limited shall have no liability to You should its website or online portals be unavailable to access at any time or fails to perform within usual parameters or because of vital maintenance, third party attack, or force majeure. SHEC does not guarantee that access to its website is free from viruses and will be uninterrupted or error free, beyond those controls and speeds it can reasonably affect.

7. Termination

SHEC Global Limited may terminate Your enrolment or registration at any time by written notice if:

7.1. You breach these or the product or service specific Conditions, or any terms and conditions contained in any letter confirming Your enrolment or any documents or Policies issued by SHEC or the Awarding Body at any time; or

7.2. You fail to pay any fees due to Us; or

7.3. You have provided SHEC Global Limited whether through a third party or otherwise with any false or misleading information; or

7.4. You do not meet all the administrative or academic requirements specified in the Guides issued by the Awarding Body; or

7.5. Any of the instances set out in clause 10 below occur; or

7.6. You are involved in any malpractice pursuant to the Awarding Bodies Malpractice Policy.

7.7. Should We terminate your access to any product, service, or programme for the above reasons, there will be no refund of any funds paid.

8. Physical and or verbal Abuse

SHEC will not tolerate verbal or physical abuse of its employees or agents.

Any such incident of abuse may lead to

  1. a) The restriction of communications with You to a specified means e.g., via letter or email only or
    b) In cases which We, at its sole discretion, consider to be serious or in repeated cases of physical or verbal abuse, the termination of enrolment and / or registration with Us and the Awarding Body, and / or exclusion from future enrolment or registration with SHEC and the Awarding Bodies.

9. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

9.1. All copyright and other intellectual property rights of Course material purchased from SHEC shall remain vested in and such materials may not be reproduced/copied/distributed in any way without the prior written consent of SHEC or as required by law.

9.2. If You access our website or digital platforms, you must only do so subject to our terms of use, to which you agree upon accessing. You are responsible for keeping secure Your password and candidate’s personal identification number and You agree not to disclose it to any third party.

10. Miscellaneous

10.1 Failure by SHEC to enforce strict compliance with these Terms and Conditions to You will not be considered a waiver of any provisions of these Terms and Conditions. No waiver by Us of any breach by You of these Terms and Conditions shall be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision.

10.2. SHEC will post parchments/certificates by standard royal mail (unless recorded delivery is requested and paid for by You), and we accept no responsibility for non-delivery of items posted.

10.3 If any provision of these Terms and Conditions are invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part; the validity of the other provisions of these conditions and the remainder of the provision in question, shall not be affected.

10.4 A person who is not a party to an agreement or contract governed by these Terms and Conditions shall not have any rights under or in connection with it by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 except where such rights are expressly granted to an Accredited Course Provider further to these Terms and Conditions but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party which exists, or is available, apart from that Act.

10.5 The contract governed by these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Laws of England and Wales and the parties agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of these Courts.

11. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

11.1. SHEC have a specific Policy on GDPR, but in general will hold personal information about You and will use the information as follows: –

11.1.1. To process Your applications to SHEC and administer Your enrolment and registration for Awarding Body Assessments;
11.1.2. To respond to requests from employers or employment agencies by providing verification or otherwise of information provided by You to employers or employment agencies of Qualifications gained through SHEC You hold in connection with applications for employment;
11.1.3. To respond to queries raised by You or the Awarding Body
11.1.4. To deal with any disciplinary matters in respect to You;
11.1.5. To recover any monies owed by You to Us;
11.1.6. To administer Our policies;
11.1.7. To notify You of Your Awarding Bodies Assessments results;
11.1.8. To liaise with the Awarding Body and exchange information relating to You;
11.1.9. To make You aware of SHEC products and services and other similar organisations can offer including information on current and future courses and Qualification’s where you have opted-in to receive them, explicitly or by virtue of your enquiry or contractual relationship with us.
11.1.10. To carry out research to help Us to improve and plan its products and services;
11.1.11. For research purposes (in which case Your details will be anonymous); and
11.1.12. As otherwise permitted by General Data Protection Regulations, as in force at the time.

11.2. If You are studying outside of the UK, we may need to transfer Your personal information to the course providers with whom You have enrolled outside the UK to use Your information so that services intended by these Terms and Conditions can be provided to You. Countries outside the UK may not give the same level of protection to Your personal data as is available in the UK. By enrolling with Us, where You are studying outside the UK, you explicitly consent to such transfer of Your personal information.

11.3. You hereby consent to SHEC emailing correspondence (including your programme, or assessment results) to You if it so decides.

12. Further Information

12.2. SHEC Global Limited, SHEC Vocational Learning Limited and SHEC Learning Limited are registered in England & Wales.

12.3. Registered UK Head Office address: Ty Antur, Navigation Park, Abercyon, RCT, CF45 4SN.

12.4. UK Head Office telephone number: +44 (0) 1443 555098.

13. Statutory Rights

13.1. These Terms and Conditions shall not affect Your statutory rights as a consumer.

14. Complaints Procedure

14.1. If You have a formal complaint relating to any aspect of Your product, service, course programme or qualification, please raise with our Quality team to allow us to investigate under the SHEC complaints procedure, to resolve the issue. You can do so via email to services@shec.co.uk

15. Plagiarism Policy

15.1. As a business which carries out assessment, We have an obligation to ensure that all students or candidates receive a fair and accurate representation of their work, this could be in the form of assessing evidence for vocational qualifications or submissions of assignments or examinations.

15.2 Please refer to our current policy on plagiarism.

If You have any additional questions or concerns about this Policy, please feel free to contact us any time through services@shec.co.uk
